Exhibitor Registration

Exhibitor Registration Form

Organization Information

Exhibitor & Ala Carte Sponsor Categories


Exhibitor Table $1,500

6’ Draped Table • 1 Exhibitor Representative (2 if NARHC Member; additional seats available for purchase) • Food/Beverage • Conference Registration • Internet • Electricity • Post Conference Participant List. Displays are not to exceed 8' in width. Any displays over 8' will need to purchase a 2nd exhibitor table in advance or risk not being allowed to setup.


Wi-Fi Password $3,000 (1 Available)

Choose the password all attendees will use to access the Wi-Fi. e.g. NARHCisRURAL


Neck Wallet Insert Sponsor $3,000 (1 Available)

These inserts are used by all attendees repeatedly throughout the conference. Have your logo prominently displayed on the insert.


Giveaway at NARHC Registration Table $2,000 (1 Available)

Have a small giveaway for attendees on the NARHC registration table. (Must provide NARHC with giveaway item).


Break Sponsor $1,000 (4 Available)

Your logo will be displayed next to the food & beverage stations during a networking break.


Logo #1 $1,000 (6 Available)

Your logo will be on all distributed conference communications (e.g. email).


Rotating Banner Ad $800 (10 Available)

A hyper-linked rotating ad located near the top of the event app's home page.


Logo #2 $500 (Unlimited)

Your logo on the conference page of the NARHC website.


Additional Representative $575

(Maximum of 3 people per table)
NARHC allows 1 representative with registration, unless you are a NARHC member, and then you are allowed 2.


Push Notification $400 (4 Available)

NARHC Event App Push Notification (a push is a brief statement about/from your org. that is a notification within the


LATE FEE (add if payment is received after August 31st) $100 per selected item

Logo #1 - $1,100

Push Notification - $500

Push Notification - $500

Additional Representative - $675

Additional Representative - $675

Logo #2 - $600

Logo #2 - $600

Rotating Banner Ad - $900

Rotating Banner Ad - $900

Logo #1 - $1,100

Giveaway at NARHC Registration Table - $2,000

Break Sponsor - $1,100

Break Sponsor - $1,100

Giveaway at NARHC Registration Table - $2,100

Giveaway at NARHC Registration Table - $2,100

Neck Wallet Insert Sponsor - $3,100

Neck Wallet Insert Sponsor - $3,100

Wi-Fi Password - $3,100

Wi-Fi Password - $3,100

Giveaway at NARHC Registration Table - $2,000

Name and email of person(s) responsible for building the company profile within the event app: