

Download the Agenda Here



October 6, 2024 04:00 pm
October 6, 2024 05:00 pm


October 7, 2024 07:30 am
October 7, 2024 07:45 am
October 7, 2024 08:30 am
Welcome to the NARHC 2024 Fall Institute presented by NARHC's President, Mandy Shelast. NARHC's Director of Operations, Tasha Rynberg, is up next to go over some important information to make this conference a successful one.
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Tasha Rynberg

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Mandy Shelast

October 7, 2024 08:45 am
This session will explore the most fundamental concepts of rural health clinic coding and billing. Whether you are a seasoned biller needing a refresher or a novice, the curriculum will cover all the basic "how-tos" of Medicare billing and more.
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Patty Harper
Principal, InQuiseek Consulting

October 7, 2024 09:50 am
October 7, 2024 10:15 am
This session will walk through the basics of how an RHC is reimbursed.
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Julie Quinn
Principal/VP Compliance & Cost Reporting, Health Services Associates

October 7, 2024 11:20 am
In this session, we will cover the basics of developing a culture of standards compliance for Rural Health Centers. These basics will empower RHCs to work effectively to establish a culture of compliance
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Michon Mayfield
Director of Business Development, Quad A

October 7, 2024 12:20 pm
October 7, 2024 12:30 pm
October 7, 2024 01:30 pm

The Perfect Storm is the confluence of two predictable forces that are happening right now. The first force is the retirement of Boomers who are taking a lot of experience with them. Plus there aren't enough Gen X (the next generation) to take their place. This means that many major positions (including administrator positions) are being filled by Millennials with a lot less experience than their predecessors. The second force is an unprecedented labor shortage. For the first time in modern history, there are more jobs than unemployed people. This a demographic trend created by the fact that the US didn't make enough babies to support job growth.

The impact of this Perfect Storm is that many healthcare organizations will struggle and even close because they can't find the people they need. At the same time, there will be a shortage in general expertise that will impact all areas of healthcare (ex: payment collection, quality, satisfaction). We are going to walk through the impact of the Perfect Storm on healthcare and what practices need to do to protect themselves.

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Matt Griswold
Consultant, People Centric

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Don Harkey
CEO, People Centric

October 7, 2024 02:35 pm
The regulation focused session will cover the latest in health care regulations impacting Rural Health Clinics and other providers' day to day operations. From the latest updates on Good Faith Estimate (GFE) requirements to the new Nondiscrimination regulations to the most recent Medicare Physician Fee Schedule rules, this session will provide a detailed education on the what, why, and how of these regulations and their enforcement.
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Sarah Hohman
Director of Government Affairs, National Association of Rural Health Clinics

October 7, 2024 03:35 pm
October 7, 2024 04:00 pm
This session will dive into understanding why's and how's to integrate behavioral health successfully into an RHC.
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Elliot Myers

October 7, 2024 06:30 pm
Join in the fun as NARHC along with it's sponsors host an evening of networking, relaxing, and a bit of fun.


October 8, 2024 07:45 am
October 8, 2024 08:30 am

Communication is hard. People always say they need more communication and everyone believes that they are good communicators. We also have a growing number of methods tocommunicate: phone, text, group messages on multiple platforms, meetings, zoom calls,and so much more. But the truth is, we all communicate differently, and how wecommunicate directly impacts whether someone can effectively interpret our messages.

We will show participants the four types of communication styles, have them discover theirtype, and talk through ways to most effectively communicate with each type. Participantswill learn that it is not only important to know how they like to communicate - but why it ismore important to know how others like to communicate.

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Matt Griswold
Consultant, People Centric

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Don Harkey
CEO, People Centric

October 8, 2024 09:35 am
October 8, 2024 10:00 am
This session will go beyond the basics of RHC billing to explore more advance billing topics such as preventive services, care management services, hospice services and both medical and mental health telemedicine.
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Patty Harper
Principal, InQuiseek Consulting

October 8, 2024 10:00 am

RHC Emergency Preparedness focuses on guiding participants through completing a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA), understanding its components, and recognizing its importance. The session differentiates between testing and implementing an Emergency Plan and emphasizes accurately accounting for and preparing for emergencies within a clinic.

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Jill Oesterle
Director of Provider Solutions, Michigan Center for Rural Health

October 8, 2024 11:05 am
This session will walk through the advanced topics of RHC reimbursement through Medicare cost report.
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Julie Quinn
Principal/VP Compliance & Cost Reporting, Health Services Associates

October 8, 2024 11:05 am
How to manage patient scheduling, streamline processes, template utilization, and patient care timelines to increase efficiency within an RHC practice.
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Michael Tackitt
Director of Hospital and Clinic Operations, Brownfield Regional Medical Center Rural Health Clinic

October 8, 2024 12:05 pm
October 8, 2024 01:30 pm
In this session, which is an extension of RHC Compliance: Developing a Culture of Standards, we will discuss factors leading to common deficiencies. This breakout session will highlight advanced concepts associated with practices for proactively mitigating deficiencies.
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Michon Mayfield
Director of Business Development, Quad A

October 8, 2024 01:30 pm
Many LGBTQIA+ patients have experienced discrimination in a healthcare setting which has caused them to avoid seeking medical care. This session will educate the attendee how to create a safe and affirming space in their own medical practice(s).
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Malissa Becksvoort
Director of Operations, Primary Health and Ambulatory Operations Performance Corewell Health

October 8, 2024 02:35 pm
Care Management programs have immense opportunity within RHCs and the patients they serve - coordinating care, supporting value-based care and other quality improvement programs, and increased revenue. This session will highlight an independent RHC's successful care management program, including CCM and RPM services, as well as get attendees up to date on the latest regulations and billing nuances of care management in the RHC setting.
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Aubrey Haynes

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Sarah Hohman
Director of Government Affairs, National Association of Rural Health Clinics

October 8, 2024 02:35 pm

Ensure RHCs are prepared for their RHC Survey by having a well-prepared, organized evidence binder. This course is especially helpful for new rural health leaders who are preparing for their first RHC survey.

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Michelle Boehne
Administrative Director of Clinics, Citizens Memorial Hospital

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Michael Calhoun

October 8, 2024 03:35 pm
October 8, 2024 04:00 pm

This session will provide information on understanding your patient population and healthcare disparities for those who live in rural locations. Analyzing and organizing data can identify multi-visit patients and characteristics that may lead to high utilization of healthcare.

Collaboration that includes the patient, healthcare and community-based organizations is crucial to ensure that those who live in rural areas receive high-quality, equitable, accessible care which can decrease the need for frequent healthcare visits.

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Lisa Thorp
Quality Improvement Specialist, Quality Health Associates of ND

October 8, 2024 04:00 pm
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Mandy Shelast


October 9, 2024 07:45 am
October 9, 2024 08:30 am
All Rural Health Clinics are different but the one thing we have in common is the ability to change hats, or at least stack them.
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Karen Brown
Revenue Cycle Director, Mountrail County Medical Clinic

October 9, 2024 09:35 am

Employees generally think of accountability as something that they want for someoneelse, but not for themselves, and tend to blame the leadership for a "lack ofaccountability. But we know that accountability is more than just yelling when thingsaren't getting done. Good accountability is a system in which everyone knows theirpart and takes responsibility for its completion.

Great accountability systems shift theresponsibility from the burden being on leadership to it being a true team effort andalso shift the narrative from blame to solutions.

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Matt Griswold
Consultant, People Centric

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Don Harkey
CEO, People Centric

October 9, 2024 10:30 am
October 9, 2024 10:45 am
October 9, 2024 11:00 am
Join Nathan Baugh, NARHC's Executive Director for a review of NARHC's advocacy priorities including policy goals for the last few months of the 118th Congress as well as broad overview of healthcare policy trends and how these trends may impact RHCs.
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Nathan Baugh
Executive Director, National Association of Rural Health Clinics